二、 承办单位:纽约象棋总会
三、比赛日期:11/16/2019- 11/17/2019
四、比赛地点:纽约三福大厦(133-47 Sanford Ave. 2nd FL party room, Flushing,NY 11355)
五、比赛办法:1. 比赛采用最新世界象棋联合会棋规 2. 比赛采用 5 轮积分编排制 3. 比赛用时
60 分钟+30 秒
数,主办方单位可选派 1 名棋手补双;如果参赛人数总数为双数,主办方单位可选派 2 名棋
七、报名办法:联系人:李明东 手机 9176696888 微信 wilsonlee1 截止時間:2019-10-31
八、比赛奖励:保底奖金数额: 冠军 $1000 亚军 $800 季军$600 殿军$500 第五名$300 第六名
$200 前三名奖杯。如果中国韩信杯的现有规则不变的话,本次比赛的冠亚军将有资格参加下
九、接待办法:本次是实行 AA 制度,棋手各自乘車来酒店。比赛无报名费,承办方将负责 11 月
15 日晚饭和 17 日晚宴,比賽场地租用和宣傳费用。十五日晚報到十八日离会,酒店是在赛
十一、 乘搭飞机参赛冠亚军得奖者,本会津贴$300 机票费用。
十二、 参赛人员须自行购买相关保险, 比赛期间及旅途中发生的意外事件与组委会无关,报名
- Organizer: North American Xiangqi Federation (NAXF)
- Co-organizer: New York Xiangqi Association
- Date of Competition: 11/16/2019-11/17/2019
- Location: 133-47 Sanford Ave. 2nd FL party room, Flushing NY 11355
- Rules of Competition: 1. The latest world Xiangqi federation rules will be applied. 2. The Swiss System
will be applied with a total of 5 rounds of games. 3. Time control will be 60mins +30s - Qualification of Participants: Individual 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place of each North American Cup Tournament
(refer to the appendix). If total number of participants is odd number, the host can assign 1 player to
register. If total number of participants is even number, the host can assign 2 players to register. - Registration: Contact: Wilson Lee mobile: 9176696888 Wechat: wilsonlee1 Registration deadline:
10/31/2019 - Prize Award and Prize Money: 1. Prize Award: The top three will be awarded with trophy. 2.
Minimal prize money: 1st $1000 2nd $800 3rd $600 4th $500 5th $300 6th $200 3. If the China
HANXIN Cup xiangqi International Tournament regulation stay the same, the champion and the runner-
up will be qualified for the next HANXIN Cup.
- Travel and Accommodation: No fee for registration. The organizing Committee would be responsible
for the dinner on 11/15 and 11/17. Registration in the evening of 11/15 and leaving on 11/18. Hotel and
flight are not covered. The organizing committee can book the hotel close by the venue for the players if
needed. Room with 2 beds is around $150/day (including tax). - The right to interpret the rules belongs to the North American Xiangqi Federation
- The champion and the runner-up will be compensated $300 each if they take planes.
- All participants of this event must purchase their own insurance. The organizing committee has no
legal obligation if any accident occurs during the tournament or trips. , You must agree to this item in
order to enroll in this event.
Appendix: The list of the qualified players:
1st place players of North American Cup: Ximing Zheng, Zhongqi Ji, Yushan Hu, Oscar Peng, Gary Hao
Shen, Michael Hu, Yogi Do, Xusheng Li
2nd place players of North American Cup: Songli Cheng, Yunrun Ma, Youke Yue, Jian Meng, Le Anh Hao
3rd place players of North American Cup: Yiqing Gu, Cuong Vuong, Stephen Cao, Bo Peng, Weiqiang Wang